Videos I’m in

These videos include my commentary on various energy topics.


AREVA Solar completed the design, construction, and commissioning of SSG4 at Kimberlina Power Station this year. In this Power Tech Tour, I describe the design and operation of this first of its kind Once Through Solar Steam Generator, which is capable of producing superheated steam at 100 bar/450C.

The Energy EcoSystem

This vision of the Smart Grid, produced for CapGemini by To the Point in 2009, focuses on the importance of energy efficiency, demand response and distributed generation, including viewpoints from: Acterra, Ausra Inc., Hydro One Networks, National Grid, National Resource Defense Council, Pacific Gas & Electric, San Diego Gas & Electric, Stanford University and The Brattle Group.

Innovation and Risk in the Power Industry

The subject of risk and innovation is timely in the context of climate change. The power industry is decarbonizing by adopting renewable power to displace conventional fossil generation sources. Energy storage is needed to manage the variability of renewable power. The need is very large, and innovation will be required to meet power industry needs.

In November 2015, I was invited to discuss risk and the innovation process in the power industry at the International Electrotechnical Trade Fair in Medellin, Colombia. In this talk I describe the challenges faced by utilities and entrepreneurs, and outline an innovation strategy, with examples of of both successful and unsuccessful commercialization efforts.

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