Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Paypal Integration

Saturday, February 10th, 2007

Today I open sourced a component I developed for Paypal integration that I used for the Tibet Documentaries. I originally developed this for my wife’s book Doublethink: A Tale of Unintended Consequences and recently re-worked it to be far more flexible and deployed it on the GGFilms web site to sell their documentaries on Tibet.

It works with the Witango application server, and has the following features:

  • A single Class File can be used with any number of paypal accounts.
  • A configuration file allows each object instance to use a different set of keys.
  • Any arbitrary payload may be encrypted, allowing encrypted payloads for both buttons and carts.
  • A parameter allows testing in the Paypal sandbox environment.
  • Creation of both plaintext and encrypted Buy Now Buttons is supported.